Joan Crawford Goes To The Supermarket

Joan Crawford Roger Ebert
source: Eve Arnold

When scrolling around the internet, one must be careful not to click on anything unsavory. This happens sometimes – of course, but it’s basic computer safety to stay away from websites that try to get you to book a “trip” to Naples for the discount price of $150 bucks. 

Luckily, I managed to stay away from sites like that, but not before I ran into something absolutely horrid.  

A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a forum named The Data Lounge. Their main audience is mostly gay men, but, I tend to visit it because I love the banter that goes on during the different discussions. 

I also love the forum because there is a myriad of various conversations about classic Hollywood. There’s a search bar on the website that simultaneously functions as an archive. I often use it to look for threads that date back to 1995 – the year the website was founded.

This brings me to Joan Crawford.

source: Warner Bros.

In 1969, Joan Crawford starred in promotional short (featuring a TON of Pepsi- Cola advertising) that shows what she does on an average trip to the grocery store.

Oh. my. word.

This was the most absurd thing I’ve seen in a while.

Joan in supermarket
source: The Big Rock Candy Mountain

The video starts off with Joan walking out of her station wagon (like she ever drove one, oh, please!) then sauntering into what looks like your typical grocery chain. She’s joined by, what looks to be, a neighbor and her blonde-haired snotty nosed child. They shop for various things, including tomatoes, Spanish sausage and a multitude of several kinds of seafood.

The rest of the 4-minute video sees Joan picking up ingredients to make a paella, deeps thoughts about life and some witty teasing between her and this 5-year-old toddler.

If you’d like to see this masterpiece of filmmaking, click: here. It’ll show you a hilarious side to a silver screen legend that will leave you stunned (in a healthy way) for hours after you view it.

God Bless you Joan Crawford for making this, I deeply appreciate it.


6 thoughts on “Joan Crawford Goes To The Supermarket

  1. Haha! Priceless! Thanks so much for the laugh. Next time I go shopping, I’m going dressed like Joan and will look out for some Spanish sausages 🙂

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